What is Archiving?

The archiving functionality is required to reduce the high volume of database tables. The data archiving will remove data which is no longer need in the system but which must still be available for reporting. In FI-CA the Data Archiving with Archive Development Kit (ADK) is used.

You can use the data archiving functions to archive any completed business transactions that are no longer relevant for your daily operations. You store the archived data in archive files to which the system has read-only access.

Archiving Objects define which data is to be bundled into completed business objects in data archiving and which archiving programs are to be executed.

From a technical point of view, data archiving from ABAP application systems is based on the archiving objects of the Archive Development Kit (ADK). A limited number of XML archiving objects use data archiving based on the XML Data Archiving Service (XML DAS), which runs on AS Java.

Note: XML-based archiving of objects in ABAP systems is not being developed any further. You can continue to use existing archiving objects but you can not create any new XML-based archiving objects in ABAP systems. Instead, always used the Archive Development Kit (ADK) (see Data Archiving with Archive Development Kit (ADK))


TransactionShort Description
AOBJArchiving object definition
FPARDOCMASSParallel Document Archiving
SARAArchive Administration
SAREArchive Explorer
SARIArchive Information System
SARJArchive Retrieval Configurator


  • FICAIMG > Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable > Convergent Invoicing > Archiving
  • FICAIMG > Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable > Closing Operations > Archiving
  • SPRO > SAP Customizing Implementation Guide > SAP Utilities > Tools > Archiving

Mass activities

The following entry from table TFK090A is relevant:

ARDC17851834FPARDOCMASSConsistency Check for FI-CA Docs


EventShort Description
0500Document Archiving: Check Header Data
0501Document Archiving: Check Header (Mass)
0505Document Archiving: Check Complete Document
0510Revenue Distribution Archiving: Check
0515Archiving Generic Tax Reporting: Sort Fields
0520Archiving Generic Revenue Reporting: Sort Fields
0525Archiving of Gen. Tax Reporting Shadow Table: Sort Fields
1127Document: Display Linked Documents from Optical Archive
1785MassAct: Parallel Document Archiving
1834MassAct: Parallel Document Archiving, Move Parameters

Further technical information


PackageShort Description
FKKBContract A/R & A/P: Central Objects

Function Groups

Function Group


TableShort Description
DFKKZP_ARCINDLink between Document Number and Archived Payment Lot
ZARIXFI*generated tables for the archive information structures

Report Overview

Overview about the most important archiving objects and the related reports.

Archiving ObjectDescriptionWrite ProgramDelete ProgramReload Program

Function Modules / BAPI’s

Function Module / BAPIShort Description
FKK_ARCH_SET_LOCKSetzen einer Archivierungssperre
FKK_GET_ARC_DOCBelege aus dem Archiv lesen

Message Class

Message ClassShort Description
>AContract A/R and A/P: Central functions
Q6Archive Information System

Authorization Objects