Installment plan can be used to arrange payments by installments for business partners who cannot keep up their payment obligations.
Transaction Codes
FPR1 | Create Installment plan |
FPR2 | Change / Deactivate Installment plan |
FPR3 | Display Installment plan |
>Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
>Business Transactions
>Deferral and Installment Plans
FI-CA Events
0120 | Clearing: Distrib. Amount to Coll. Inv./Inst. Plan/Bundling |
0708 | Correspondence: Print Installment Plan |
0709 | Correspondence: Create Installment Plan |
0728 | Correspondence: Print Payment Forms for Instlmts |
0729 | Correspondence:Create Payment Forms for Instlmts |
1760 | Mass Activity: Print Installment Plans |
1761 | Mass Activity: Installment Plan Printing (Move Parameters) |
1817 | Mass Act.: Select Installment Plan for BW |
1818 | Mass Act.: Select Installment Plan for BW, Shift Parameters |
1880 | Mass Activity: Snapshot of Installment Plan on Key Date |
1881 | Adjuster Module for Installment Plan Analysis for Key Date |
1882 | Distribution Algorithm – Installments for Source Receivables |
2525 | BW: Read and Buffer Master Data for Installment Plans |
2530 | BW: Maintain Additional Fields for Installment Plans |
3000 | Installment Plan: Transfer Fields from Source Itms |
3005 | Installment Plan: Change Amount and Due date |
3010 | Installment Plan: Select Source Receivables |
3015 | Installment Plan: Display Additional Fields |
3020 | Installment Plan: Exclude Source Receivables (1) |
3025 | Installment Plan: Exclude Source Receivables (2) |
3026 | Installment Plan: Consistency Checks |
3027 | Installment Plan: Applictn-Specific Add. Checks |
3028 | Installment Plan: Hide Functions |
3029 | Installment Plan: Check for IS-U Payment Schedule |
3030 | Installment Plan: Determine Calendar ID |
3031 | Installment Plan: Determine Print Type for Payment Forms |
3032 | Installment Plan: Changing Charge Amount |
3033 | Installment Plan: Penalty Charge/Inflation Offset (Brazil) |
3040 | Installment Plan: After Creation |
3041 | Installment Plan: After Change |
3044 | Installment Plan After Deactivation (Orig. Clearing Info) |
3045 | Installment Plan: After Deactivation |
3050 | Installment Plan: Print |
3055 | Installment Plan: Additional Fields on Screen 0300 |
5506 | Dual Control Principle: Check Installment Plan |
Further Technical Information
Function Group
Function Group
Short Description
FKN1 | SAPLFKN1 | FI-CA Installment Plan |
Table Name
FKK_INSTPLN_HEAD | Header Data for Installment Plan |
FKK_INSTPLN_HIST | Installment Plan History |
FKK_INSTPLN_INVH | History of Installment Plan Due Dates from Invoicing |
Function Modules
Function Module
Short Description
FKK_DB_INSTPLAN_ORIG_SELECT | Liest die Ursprungsposten zur übergebenen Ratenplannummer |
FKK_DB_INSTPLAN_SELECT | Sucht Ursprungsford. in Ratenplänen zu übergebenem GPART / VKONT |
FKK_DB_INSTPLN_EXISTENCE_CHECK | Prüft die Existenz eines Ratenplanes |
FKK_DB_INSTPLN_HIST_CHECK | Überprüfen ob Historie vorhanden ist |
FKK_DB_INSTPLN_HIST_INSERT | Einfügen der Ratenplanhistorie |
FKK_DB_INSTPLN_HIST_SELECT | Einlesen der Ratenplanhistorie |
FKK_DB_INSTPLN_HIST_UPDATE | Ändern der Ratenplanhistorie |
FKK_PRINT_CHANGED_INSTALL | Änderungsanschreiben beim ratenplan erstellen |
Ratenplan wurde genehmigt |
FKK_S_INSTPLAN_CHANGE | Ändern eines Ratenplans |
FKK_S_INSTPLAN_CHANGEFROMDATA | Liefert Ratenplan mit Zins- und Gebührenbeleg und Ratenplanattributen |
FKK_S_INSTPLAN_CHANGE_BY_INV | Setzt Ratenplanattribute gemäß Fakturierungsvorgaben |
FKK_S_INSTPLAN_CREATE | Erstellt einen Ratenplan im Dialog |
FKK_S_INSTPLAN_CREATEFROMDATA | Erstellt einen Ratenplan |
FKK_S_INSTPLAN_CREATEMODIFIED | Erstellt einen Ratenplan mit geänderten Raten (auch Löschen, Hinuzfüge |
FKK_S_INSTPLAN_CREATE_BY_DATES | Erstellt einen Ratenplan mit übergebenen Beträgen und Fälligkeitsdaten |
FKK_S_INSTPLAN_DATA_ALINE | Fakturierung: Ratenplanfälligkeitshistorie anpassen |
FKK_S_INSTPLAN_DEACTIVATE | Deaktiviert einen Ratenplan |
FKK_S_INSTPLAN_DECIDE | Entscheidung: genehmigen/ablegen |
FKK_S_INSTPLAN_DEL_ALLOWED | Ändert Ratenplan ( auch Hinzufügen und Löschen von Raten) |
FKK_S_INSTPLAN_DENY | Ratenplan wurde abgelehnt |
FKK_S_INSTPLAN_DISPLAY | Anzeige eines Ratenplans |
FKK_S_INSTPLAN_EXISTENCE_CHECK | Überprüft die Existenz des übergebenen Ratenplans |
FKK_S_INSTPLAN_GETDETAIL | Liefert Ratenplan mit Zins- und Gebührenbeleg und Attribute des Ratenplan |
FKK_S_INSTPLAN_GETLIST | Liefert eine Liste der Ratenpläne zu übergebenen Selektionsparametern |
FKK_S_INSTPLAN_GET_ALLOCATION | Ratenverteilung gemäß Ursprungsford./Zinsen/Gebühren |
FKK_S_INSTPLAN_GET_CURRENT_DEA | Momentan zu deaktivierenden RP zurückliefern |
FKK_S_INSTPLAN_GET_CURR_DATA | Stellt gegenwärtige Daten aus dem globalen Gedächtnis zur Verfügung |
FKK_S_INSTPLAN_HIST_DISPLAY | Anzeigen der Ratenplanhistorie |
FKK_S_INSTPLAN_MODIFY | Ändert Ratenplan ( auch Hinzufügen und Löschen von Raten) |
FKK_S_INSTPLAN_ORIG_ITEM_CHECK | Prüfen, ob offene Posten in Ratenplan eingehen können |
FKK_S_INSTPLAN_PREPARE_DSP_CHG | Anzeige eines einzelnen Ratenplans oder einer Liste |
FKK_S_INSTPLAN_PRINT | Drucken eines Ratenplans |
FKK_S_INSTPLAN_PROVIDE | Stellt einen Ratenplan zur Bearbeitung zur Verfügung |
FKK_S_INSTPLAN_READ_FAST | Stellt einen Ratenplan zur Bearbeitung zur Verfügung |
FKK_S_INSTPLAN_VIEW_DOCUMENT | Kontenstand: Anzeige der Ursprungsforderungen zu einer Ratenplanforder |
All possible installment plans inconsistencies and all possible correction reports:
Short Description
RFKKCHKINST1 | Checks if there are documents in the system, which have an entry in DFKKOP-ABWBL for an installment plan, but the installment plan does not exist. |
RFKKCHKINST3 | Checks if the instalment plan does not exist or is not updated. |
RFKKCHKINST5 | Checks if there are documents in the system, which have an entry in DFKKOP-ABWBL for an installment plan, but the installment plan is already deactivated |
RFKKCHKINST6 | Checks if there are documents in the system, which have an entry in DFKKOP-ABWBL for an installment plan and the sum of the amounts of the source items is not the same as the amounts of installment plan items. |
RFKKCHKINST7 | Checks if there are installment plans which are still open put have no entry for source items in DFKKOP-ABWBL. |
RFKKCHKINST9 | Check if there are Installment plans in the system which have no original items with field ABWBL filled and also there is no installment plan history in table FKK_INSTPLN_HIST. |
RFKKCHKINST10 | Checks if there are documents in the system, which have an entry in DFKKOP-ABWBL for an installment plan and the sum of the amounts of the source items is not the same as the amounts of installment plan items. |
RFKKCHKINST11 | Checks if there are documents in the system, which have no entry in DFKKOP-ABWBL for an installment plan but the installment plan is still active. In repair mode it updates fields ABWBL and ABWTP in the source receivables. |
RFKKCHKINST12 | Checks whether there are installment plans in the system which have an different outstanding amount in comparison to the source items |
Installment Plan
With an installment plan you divide source items to several installment receivables that have a due date in the future. Once an installment plan has been posted, the items of the installment plan and not the source items are referred to when a bank collection is made, or when a dunning run is carried out.
You create an installment plan for business partners wishing to make payment but who are temporarily unable to keep up their payment obligations. One or more source items can form part of an installment plan. However, only receivables and items in the same currency and in one contract account can be included in an installment plan.
An installment plan consists of a statistical document with several installment receivables. The individual installment receivable is cleared upon payment. The number of the installment plan is saved in the source items. This ensures a connection between the installment plan and the source receivables, and between the source receivables and the installment plan. If interest is payable on an installment plan, the installment plan will also have an interest supplement.