With the function Reset Clearing you can reset an already posted clearing document. The Reset Clearing is possible either completely or partially.
Description |
FP07 | Reset Cleared Items |
> Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
> Basic Functions
> Open Item Management:
> Define Default Values for Resetting Clearing (posting area 1060)
> Define Default for Resetting Clearing (posting area 1090)
> Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
> Business Transactions
> Reversal:
> Define Specifications for Clearing Item (posting area 1091)
FI-CA Events
Event |
Description |
0071 | Posting: Check if Clearing Reset is Permitted |
0150 | Clearing Reset: Additional Fields for New Items |
0032 | Posting: Create Additional Line Items |
0060 | Posting: Check Document Header |
0061 | Posting: Check Complete Document, Set Customer Fields |
0062 | Posting: Exchange Posting Date |
0081 | Posting: Set Segment Account Assignment |
Posting Areas
Posting Area |
Description |
1060 | Default Values for Returns Clearing |
1090 | Specifications for Returns Clearing |
1091 | Reset/Reverse Cleared Items: Clearing Items |
Technical information
Description |
FKKB | Contract A/R & A/P: Central Objects |
Function Groups
Function Group
Description |
FKB0 | FI-CA posting interface |
FKBRAP | Partial Clearing Reset |
FKBR | Clearing/Reversal History in FI-CA |
Function modules
Function Module
FKK_RESET_CLEARING | Rücknehmen eines Ausgleichs |
Resetting Clearing
It may be necessary to reverse a clearing of open items as well as all postings that were created automatically during the clearing. Depending on the situation, you reverse the clearing with various functions as shown in the following table. Note that there are other functions besides Reset Clearing
with which you can reverse clearings.
Situation |
What needs to be done? |
Choose the following function: |
The business transaction that led to the clearing took place, (such as an incoming payment), but the wrong items were cleared. |
You have to (partially) reset clearing. |
The business transaction that was the cause for the clearing did not take place, or incorrect postings were created for this business transaction. |
Not only the clearing and the related postings have to be reversed, all other postings related to this business transaction also have to be reversed. |
An incoming payment that was already processed has to be reversed since a return has occurred for the payment.In this case, a special variant of reversal postings is used. |
The return, based on the account statement, is posted to the bank account and the clearing account for returns. After the return is included in a returns lot, an additional document is posted that varies from a reversal posting in one item: Posting is not made to the clearing account for incoming cash but to the return clearing account. |
Scope of reset
You can reset clearing either completely or partially.
If items from different business partners, contract accounts, or contracts have been cleared and one of the following reasons exists for resetting clearing, then it makes sense to only partially reset clearing.
Only some of the business partners, contract accounts, or contracts were selected incorrectly.
The document for one of the cleared items must be reversed (for example, invoice issued for the wrong amount).
On the initial screen of the transaction Reset Clearing
(menu: ), choose Parts of Clearing
in the Settings
area. You define the posting of the clearing amount in the area Posting the Clearing Amount
using the relevant buttons ( Retain Distribution to Accounts, Create One Open Item, Clearing Amount in Clarification Account
). For more information, see the documentation for the selection buttons.
If you partially reset clearing, you can only specify for a group of items (and not for each cleared item), whether clearing is to be reset. The system groups the cleared items according to the following criteria:
Business partners
Contract account
Company code
Business place (Korea)
Business area
Collective bill number
Document number
Reference document number
Posting the clearing amount
You can reset clearing as follows, depending on the initial situation:
You can create a new open item in the amount of the clearing document. This item is posted to one of the contract accounts involved in clearing.
You can retain the distribution to contract accounts and contracts.
You post the clearing amount to the clarification account.
System activities
Using the Reset Clearing
function, the system carries out the following actions for the clearing document number you specify:
A reset document is created.
The clearing information is reset in all items that were cleared by the document specified.
New items are included in the clearing document as a replacement for the clearing items that no longer exist. They represent the amount that was in the clearing document for the clearing of open items. This can be part of an incoming payment, for example, that is used for clearing open items but not for payments on account. The new open items created can be used for clearing other items.
In the clearing document, all down payments and budget billing payments that were created by the clearing of down payment requests or budget billing requests are cleared. The document number of the reset document is entered as the clearing number.
In the reset document, offsetting postings are added for all G/L items (cash discount, exchange rate differences, taxes, charges) that are created in the clearing document due to the clearing of open items.
During clearing, differences within predefined tolerances are accepted and posted to an expense account automatically.
When you reset, wholly or in part, the clearing for an incoming payment document that was posted through a payment or check lot, a new clarification case for incoming payments is created automatically or the amount in an existing clarification case is adjusted. If the clarification case is created for a payment lot that has already been closed, the status will change again to Postprocessing Necessary
Resetting Clearing in Other Transactions
You cannot post reversals and returns if the document to be reversed or the payment document contain items that have already been cleared. Typical examples are payments on account, budget billing payments, and other down payments that have already been cleared.
You can reset obstructive clearing during processing of returns and reversals. To do this in a returns lot, set the indicator Enhanced Returns Processing
. For a reversal online, the obstructive clearings are listed and you can reset them in the background or online. When you reset obstructive clearing, you can also only partially reset clearing; this enables you to only reset the clearing information in the document/payment document to be reversed. The clearing is only completely reset if the clearing document was posted in a release before 4.71 and budget billing requests, down payment requests, or statistical charges receivables were cleared or if interest on arrears was calculated and posted during clearing.