This function:
- Generates contract accounting documents, which reverse bill receivables or credit memos
- Reverses posting documents that were posted as clearing documents during invoicing
- Formats the data for the print reversal
- Processes budget billing plans and billing documents
The invoicing reversal transaction (EA15) reverses just the print document, and leaves the billing documents untouched.
You can use this function to reverse the budget billing requests too. The requested budget billing plan item is reopened, and a reversal document is created.
The reversal must be carried out in a particular sequence. The reversal must begin with the most recent print document. Then the reversal can take place in reverse order until the older print documents.
If the due date of a document with clearing restriction Items cannot be processed until next regular invoice (8) was synchronized with the bill due date during invoicing, the clearing restriction is reactivated during reversal. The due date that was entered is invoicing is kept.
In the case of an extended invoicing reversal, clearing payments that have already taken place are normally automatically reset.
Posting documents that were created by IS-U invoicing and are contained in the Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (FI-CA) component are reversed. New posting documents are created as a result of this. After the invoicing reversal, billing documents from the Contract Billing (IS-U-BI) component and budget billing amounts from the Budget Billing Plan (IS-U-IN-BB) component can be processed again.
The Print Workbench (FI-CA–BF-PW) component is used for printing a reversed bill.
A bill or partial bill has been created in invoicing, and contract accounts receivable and payable posting documents have been created.
To reverse these bills, you must choose the following in Customizing: Financial Accounting ® Contract Accounting ®Basic Functions ® Postings and Documents ® Documents ® Maintain Document Assignments ® Document Types®Maintain Default Document Types for Invoicing Reversal.
Posting document creation
The input parameter Reversal date and the document source key R9 are stored in the FI-CA document header. The reconciliation key is assigned internally during invoicing reversal as a combination of entry date, source key and consecutive number, and is transferred to the document header.. The reversal document number is updated as a clearing document number in the business partner items of the document to be reversed.
Additional posting documents that arise in invoicing as a result of account maintenance or interest calculation, for example, are reversed automatically.
Processing of the Billing Document and Budget Billing Plan
Once reversed, the billing documents or budget billing plans processed during bill creation or partial bill creation are ready to be reinvoiced. The billing documents are marked as posted and reversed; the document number of the partial bill is deleted in the budget billing plan item, so that a new partial bill can be created.
If any budget billing plans were created in invoicing, they can be deleted again, provided that no further processing steps took place. Any deactivated budget billing plans or budget billing plan items are activated.
Automatic reversal of clearing payments
Payments can be automatically reversed and posted as payments on account. Maintain the activity Define Basic Settings for Reversal in Customizing under SAP Utilities ®Invoicing ® Basic Settings. Here you can do the following:
- Split the payment amount between the contracts of all clearings involved
- Create a new item for the business partner
- Re-post the payment amount in the clarification account of the incoming payment
Automatic partial reset during invoicing reversal
Previously, it was not possible to execute an automatic clearing reversal if the clearing document had cleared several FI/CA documents. The function Automatic Partial Reversal of Clearing Documents now enables you to do this. You can specify reversal options in the SAP Utilities Customizing menu under Invoicing ® Basic Settings ® Define Basic Settings for Reversal.
When you want to reverse a bill, you must enter the reversal date as the posting date of the reversal bill.
You can select the bills that are to be reversed using a document number interval or the reconciliation key generated in invoicing.
When generating a reversal you can enter the existing FI-CA document type.
You can specify the reversal reason. There are different reversal reasons for the billing reversal and/or the invoicing reversal.
If a posting period is already closed, the invoicing reversal can automatically create the posting document using the current date. To do this, you must activate the Corr. Closed PostPer. in Customizing under SAP Utilities ®Invoicing ® Basic Settings ® Define Basic Settings for Reversal.
You can use the Specify Posting Date event (R501) to override the current date. Use the call ID described in the documentation to do this.
If you have not specified a posting date for the invoicing reversal in transaction EA15, an invoicing reversal is always posted with the posting date of the print document to be reversed.
If dependencies exist between different print documents, you can use the event Reversal: Select Additional Documents (R502) to automatically select and reverse these dependent documents during invoicing reversal.
In deregulated markets, for example, dependencies often exist between supplier and grid usage documents.
When you execute a complete reversal (print and billing document), the system also reverses all dependent billing documents.