When periodic billing documents are invoiced, a new budget billing plan is created automatically for contracts that were billed periodically. The budget billing plan is based on the budget billing extrapolation lines, which are generated by the billing document. A reference to the bill to be created is stored in the header of the budget billing plan in the Inv. doc. no. field (invoicing document number), so that information about future budget billings is shown on the bill. For information about other options for grouping budget billings of the different contracts of a budget billing plan, see the documentation for the Budget Billing Plan (IS-U-IN-BB) component.
If budget billing plans relate to the billed period of a billing document, then they are processed in invoicing on the basis of the billing procedure used.
Invoicing can consist of the following steps:
- Deactivate budget billing plan
This means that:
- You cannot further process the budget billing plan.
- All budget billing plan items are deactivated.
- The budget billing amounts cannot be paid, dunned or requested.
- Deactivate budget billing plan items
- Cannot be further processed.
- Cannot be paid, dunned or requested.
- Settle the budget billing payments (statistical budget billing plan procedure) or budget billing receivables against the amount invoiced for the contract (partial billing procedure).
- Budget billing payments which have been made and recorded as payments in contract accounts receivable and payable, can be reposted into the total in invoicing. This is part of the statistical budget billing plan procedure.
- The bill receivable is reduced in invoicing by the budget billing amounts, which are set as debits in the partial billing procedure.
If periodic billing was performed for a contract, all the budget billing plans that begin before the next date of the new budget billing period are deactivated. The paid budget billings or budget billing amounts entered as debits are settled.
If interim billing was performed for a contract, all the budget billing plans that begin before the end of the billing period are read. The budget billing plan items that fall before the end of the billing period of the billing document are then deactivated, and the budget billing payments or the budget billings entered as debits are settled.
When billing documents created manually are invoiced, the budget billing plan is not taken into account.
If several billing documents of a contract exist for joint invoicing, then the most current billing document is used for budget billing processing.