You use this function if an FI-CA document that is posted between two invoicing runs is billed to the customer with the next invoicing run and must be paid.
- The due date of the posted contract A/R & A/P document is synchronized during invoicing with the due date of the bill.
- The documents have clearing restriction Items cannot be processed until next regular billfor the posting. It is not possible to clear the items. To give items a clearing restriction, use event Posting: Set OI Accounting Item Clearing Restrictn (0042).
You can use this clearing restriction for:
- Manually posted documents
- Repetition items (for example installment plans)
Clearing restriction 8 for repetition documents or installment plans means that the next item is requested with each invoicing run. This function is contained in the IS-U standard system.
Invoicing selects contract A/R & A/P documents and adds them to the print document. The lines in the print document that have resulted from due date adjustment, have document line type SYCNDD.
- The item is included in the final bill amount.
- Clearing restriction 8 is removed.
- The new due date is entered.
You use event IS-U Invoicing: Selection of Items with Cl. Re. 8 to select documents with clearing restriction 8in invoicing. The items that are not taken into account are made available again for the next invoicing.
If you reverse the invoicing, the clearing restriction is reset for the respective item.
To activate the function, you must choose the following in Customizing: Financial Accounting ® Contract Accounting ® Organizational Units ® Assign Company Codes to Responsible Company Codes and activate theTotal invoice field.